AEF Scholarships
In 2016, the Arrow Education Foundation became the custodian of scholarships formerly held at the Watertown School District Business Office.
The following is a listing of those scholarships plus new scholarships added through 2024:
Aarstad All American Female Scholarship
Aarstad All American Male Scholarship
Al Reese Math Scholarship
Arrow Booster Club Scholarship
Bob & Joyce (Harrington) Hegstrom Scholarship
Charles Langenfeld Memorial Scholarship
Chelsea Ann Vilhaur Memorial Scholarship
Class of 1951 Scholarship
Class of 1961 Scholarship
Class of 1971 Scholarship
Class of 1981 Scholarship
Daniel Hanten & Kristin Hanten Scholarship
Dan and Sandy Albertsen Scholarship
Dan Sherrill Memorial Scholarship
Darwin & Fern Williams World War II Scholarship
Donus D Roberts Forensics Scholarship
Doug & Donna Carpenter Memorial Scholarship
Doug Toth Scholarship
Dr . Robert H Cockle Scholarship
Drake Titze Memorial Track Scholarship
Dwight D & Agnes Miller Scholarship
Edgar O & Eleanore Bunde Agriculture Scholarship
Edward T Dayton Scholarship
Eric Tennis Memorial Scholarship
Ernie & LuAnn Edwards Scholarship
Florence Bruhn Art Scholarship
George B & Josephine J Elliot Scholarship
Gesley Great Person Scholarship
Golden Age Memorial Scholarship
Green, Roby & Oviatt LLP Scholarship
Gretchen Roti Scholarship
G.W. Case Scholarship
Harry & Florence Johnson Family Scholarship
Harry P Sigelman Scholarship
James W Messer, M.D. Memorial Scholarship
Jeff Denzer "Good Character" Memorial Scholarship
Jerald Eggen Scholarship
Jerry "Mac" McElroy Female Athlete of the Year
Jerry "Mac" McElroy Male Athlete of the Year
Jim Marking Memorial Female Scholarship
Jim Marking Memorial Male Scholarship
John Eric Bohle Scholarship
Koepke Family Scholarship
Larry Rohde Scholarship
Larry Turbak Scholarship
Marty Kranz Scholarship
Messer Family Foundation Achievement Award & Scholarship
Michael Rukstad Forensic Scholarship
Michael & Susan Engelhart Scholarship
Mike Engels Wrestling Scholarship
Mike Ries Scholarship
Napoleon "Nate" J Davis Award & Scholarship
Nick & Florence Kranz Memorial Scholarship
Padgett Family Religious Scholarship
Pete Carlson Aeronautics Scholarship
Randall & Joyce McCune Memorial Scholarship
Roger O Pederson Memorial Scholarship
Roger Rector Science Scholarship
Schoenbeck-Fox Family Scholarship
Scott Ewald "Arrow Time" Family Scholarship
Stacey Herman Memorial Girls Basketball Scholarship
Stanley & Levern Graves Scholarship
Stuart Stein Arrow Golf Scholarship
Tim Lightfield Memorial Scholarship
Tysen Cook Memorial Scholarship
USD Music Camp Scholarship – in memory of Jimille Beard
USS Gustafson Scholarship
Voegele Family Scholarship
Watertown Wrestling Booster Scholarship
Wyatt J Niemann Scholarship